Caring from the first step to recovery
Our locomotor clinic in Budapest helps to speed up recovery after surgery, to recover as soon as possible in case of injuries, to avoid surgeries, and increase athletic performance with innovative methods.
We return the joy of painless movement
What do we do and why is it good for you?
What a great experience is it to hop on a bike and enjoy carefree relaxation, or to walk a longer distance without hurting your knees, tightening your waist, or cramping your muscles!

When was the last time you felt so good?
If you don’t even remember anymore, it’s high time you took control. Because there is life beyond painkillers and long months of therapeutic procedures that do not provide a real solution!
Personal Best’s mobility specialists will map out exactly what’s behind your musculoskeletal pain. With the help of the therapeutic toolkit in most cases, the root cause of the problem is eliminated in a maximum of 4 treatments, so you can move painlessly again!

Freedom of movement at risk
Did you know that four-fifths of people experience the agony of excruciating low back pain at least once in their lives? Or that in our country various joint ailments, regardless of age, affect one in five people?
A sedentary lifestyle and the resulting excess weight, constantly repetitive or monotonous activities, and inadequate workplace ergonomics are responsible for some of the musculoskeletal problems.

Undoubtedly, physical condition and lifestyle can directly affect the state of health. However, lesions affecting the musculoskeletal system (e.g. connective tissue of the abdominal cavity, the ligament system, or the nervous system) that cannot be detected by the methods of traditional medicine in the classical sense, or that cannot be cured with the widely accepted medical tools and techniques, or can only be cured to a small extent, are also common.

While most musculoskeletal specialists are only looking for the cause of pain in a mechanical area, our musculoskeletal specialists examine the entire body in context, because there is not always a mechanical cause behind it.
Problems with the musculoskeletal system may be caused by the following reasons:
- Mechanical – Injury, trauma, poor posture, prolonged one-sided work, etc.
- Chemical jam – A chemical substance introduced by eating and drinking. This includes, for example, the residues of herbicides, which block the skeletal system. (If the physical therapy method didn’t help, there may be a chemical problem behind it!)
- Mental, as well as sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system problems – These causes, can also be the cause of spinal pain and other musculoskeletal problems. They can be screened with a nerve and muscle tone test, and the good news is that they can also be treated! It is important to clarify that our specialists can eliminate the underlying psychological cause, not the pain created.

It doesn’t always hurt where the problem comes from
Musculoskeletal specialists are only looking for problems in the mechanical field, but it is not always due to mechanical causes (e.g. injury or illness of a particular part of the body).
In many cases, the abdominal muscles, the connective tissue system around the organs located in the abdominal cavity, also affect the condition of the body and organs. So if your waist hurts frequently, it is not yet certain that we can find the root of the problem in the sacrum or vertebrae.
However, when examining the whole body in its context, with an osteopathic approach, the goal can be achieved relatively quickly: pain can disappear, and physical balance can be restored.

The Locomotor Method is a drug- and surgery-free alternative to pain
Certain musculoskeletal problems (e.g. arthritis, cartilage wear, herniated disc, etc.) are endemic, however, traditional methods can only provide symptomatic or surgical treatment for pain and restriction of movement as accompanying symptoms.
This is also true for acute muscle, tendon, bone, and joint injuries (e.g. those resulting from an accident, poorly executed or sudden movement) and for significantly more complex injuries of chronic origin. In the latter case, finding out the true causes is somewhat more complicated, but at the same time not impossible with the help of the appropriate methods.
This is where the Locomotor Service method comes into play, with the help of which, with the help of the wide innovative therapeutic toolkit available to us, we can find a cure for both acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain that has been unsuccessfully treated with other methods for years.

To know exactly what methods, we are going to treat, a comprehensive health check is necessary. This is used to uncover the cause and why of the problem and where to go to fix your problem quickly and effectively.
- Active and passive therapeutic procedures are used during the treatments, which are clinically proven methods.
- There is no standard protocol, and there are no endlessly prolonged series of treatments.
- It is always the situation that decides what tools and methods are needed to initiate and accelerate the process of rapid and long-term pain relief and the regeneration of damaged tissues.
With our uniquely wide range of therapeutic tools and world-class knowledge, we can guarantee that if you are truly committed to drug- and surgery-free recovery, we will find the way and methods to get there.

For what bone, muscle and joint pains should you choose the Motion Service Method?
To treat pains that have not yet been diagnosed:
- Joint pain
- Low back pain
- Knee pain, hip pain
- Pain radiating to the arm
- Pain radiating from hip to leg
- Hand numbness
- Waist pinching
- Frequent pinching of nerves
- Sciatic neuritis
- Sacral bone pain
- Muscles that feel constantly tight and cramped
- Shoulder blade pain
- Benaud
- Calf pain
- Pain when standing up
- Muscle contraction
- Foot pain
- Wrist pain
- Finger numbness
- Tinnitus
- Frequent headaches
- Neck pain
- Sprain, sprain
To eliminate diagnosed pains:
- Tendonitis (tenovaginitis)
- Cartilage wear (arthrosis)
- Arthritis (arthritis)
- Inflammation of bone and cartilage tissue (osteochondritis)
- Inflammation of the hip joint
- Tennis elbow, golf elbow (enthesitis)
- Inflammation of the mucous membranes (bursitis)
- General lower back pain (lumbago)
- General muscle pain (myalgia)
- Joint contractural impairment
- Chest Outlet Syndromes (TOS)
- Tunnel syndromes (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome)
- Pain radiating to the legs (lumboischialgia)
- Pain radiating to the arms (cervicobrachialgia)
- Sciatica, sciatic nerve (ischias)
- Frozen shoulder syndrome (periarthritis humeroscapularis)
- Orthopedic diseases of the spine (scoliosis, increased curvature)
- Spinal calcification (spondylosis)
- Spinal hernia (discus hernia)
- Purulent protrusion (ptotrusio)